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Paco Bad Water

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Story Review
Gran Paco.Jorck.png

Esta Obra tiene una versión recreada en videos e imágenes con una duración de más de una hora, es una nueva iniciativa implementada para facilitar su lectura y compresión.

Una vez iniciada la apertura del video, van apareciendo los textos con música de fondo a un volumen controlado que la hace más agradable al lector. En el Tráiler podrá visualizar el primer Capitulo de las misma para una mejor orientación...

Paco Agua Mala is a City story based on real events, but with adaptations and incorporation of some narrative elements created by the Author to
make it more attractive to the reader. Although the ending is not as orthodox as we would have liked, and it may be a hot topic for these times, we have decided to respect it and not modify it due to the teaching it has.
implicitly the same. You laugh, you suffer, and you learn with Paco and his old Grandfather and you spend time with the
picaresque of these men who face life with
very natural, but at the end you are left with
experience of an everyday event that we experience every day, working, loving, not being valued is the ABC of
Human relationships, accepting one lifestyle and imposing another are everyday elements of a life of coexistence that are very well represented. This work is edited by Chapters I-XII. We only hope that you find it attractive and instructive.
Dear reader.
Story Trailers

Capitulo I. El Nacimiento. Una Gran Perdida. 

Para Escuchar y Leer use Link de Descarga. Admite visualizar en el SmarTv, PC, Laptop, Table o el Movil...

Story Review
El Engaño is a literary work that deals with the horror genre, it is based on a Pueblo story and is made up of only VIII Chapters well articulated together, it reveals how two twin brothers dedicated to the art of driving ,
On a professional basis, they are approached by a beautiful woman, whom one of them meets casually in a small restaurant, and to whom they intend to make a crucial move without knowing that she also had a strategy planned for them. Difficult times are experienced, confusion and panic color to some extent the character of the characters who seek desperate solutions to the unforeseen events that arise.

The Deception

El Engaño_edited.jpg
Story Trailers

Capitulo I. Un Encuentro Casual. 

Para Escuchar y Leer use Link de Descarga. Admite visualizar en el SmarTv, PC, Laptop, Tablet, Movil...

Esta Obra tiene una versión recreada en videos e imágenes con una duración de más de una hora, es una nueva iniciativa implementada para facilitar su lectura y compresión.

Una vez iniciada la apertura del video, van apareciendo los textos con música de fondo a un volumen controlado que la hace más agradable al lector. En el Tráiler podrá visualizar como se ira mostrando el Video una vez descargado...

Works in Development...

Punto Cero 2024-03-27 115356
Uno entre Miles
La Dama de las Autopistas
Story Review

Sinister Island

Isla Siniestra 2024-01-31 114648.png
It was a beautiful summer day, the sun's rays appeared on the horizon and its multicolored rays fell perpendicularly on the Doña Ana, a vessel well known to everyone in that small port where
Its docks are bathed with the cold waters of the Atlantic, but because it was the summer season they had become warmer than usual.
custom, and therefore the crew was summoned to leave urgently the night before. One by one they arrived and between joy and hugs the Seamen greeted each other with the characteristic gesture
that marks every sailor. Héctor, the captain, has already boarded, he is giving orders, he does not lose sight of his undocking activities for a single moment and takes the boat out.
through the channel that opens the doors to the open sea, the rest of the crew is busy preparing all the equipment for when
When the time comes, nothing is left out. The boat moves at a pace
Story Trailers

Esta Obra tiene una versión recreada en videos e imágenes con una duración de más de una hora, es una nueva iniciativa implementada para facilitar su lectura y compresión.

Una vez iniciada la apertura del video, van apareciendo los textos con música de fondo a un volumen controlado que la hace más agradable al lector. En el Tráiler podrá visualizar el primer Capitulo de las misma para una mejor orientación...

Capitulo I. Hombres de Marl. 

Para Escuchar y Leer use Link de Descarga. Admite visualizar en el SmarTv, PC, Laptop, Tablet, Movil...

Story Review
A life story
Exciting moments in the life of a woman who, after falling into the void, knew how to get up and recover. Yuyi la Ginetera is a story based on the real life of a girl we met on a commercial flight that took many hours of crossing, where the need to talk and exchange ideas was a human need, where we were confidants of several anecdotes, which is why we have real names omitted to protect their privacy, it has a literary adaptation by its creator, recreating each chapter to make it more enjoyable and attractive to the reader. The chapters where topics of eroticism are addressed are described by their creator as a natural and graphic manifestation of how they were told at the time about human relationships,
Story Trailers

Yuyi the Rider

Yuyi Imagen 2024-03-17 184519.png

Esta Obra aún nop tiene terminada su reacreación en Video, estamos trabajando duro en ello para poder ofrecer la misma en el menor tiempo posible.

Capitulo I. La Divina Familia. 

Para Escuchar y Leer use Link de Descarga. Admite visualizar en el Smartv, PC, Laptop, Tablet, Móvil...

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