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Access to the My Books Web application requires acceptance of its terms of use that are in force at any time at this address. In the event that you do not agree with the terms and conditions described below, the user must refrain from using this website and all its related services.

1. Registration.

The MYBOOKS.WIX application is restricted access for users/customers of the application only. For said registration, the user must agree, in addition to the points mentioned in this document, with the "Privacy Policy and Legal Terms" and the "Cookies Policy", both documents accessible from the registration form and from the public portal of  MYBOOKS.WIX

1.1 Data required for registration to MYBOOKS.WIX

To be a MYBOOKS.WIX user, the application requires your email and an access password that you must confirm in a second field. The password must consist of at least 6 characters and at least one must be a number or a symbol. The password that the user reflects in the form will be required for successive logins. The user must make responsible use of their access credentials (Email + password) and these cannot be provided to third parties.

1.2 Users without confirmed email

Once you have completed the registration form and read this document, in addition to the privacy and cookie policy, the button to create your account on MYBOOKS.WIX will automatically convert you into a user. The user enters the Site and it sends an email to the address indicated in the form to complete the registration process. If the user does not confirm his registration, he will not be able to use the full functionality of the application. If the user does not receive or does not see the message sent by MYBOOKS.WIX, an option is available to request the sending of the registration confirmation email again. Insisting on the Contact page.

1.2 Users with confirmed email

The user with confirmed email is the one who completes the registration process using the link provided in the message that is sent automatically to the email address provided in the registration form. The user has all the functions of the registered version.

1.3 Recover password

The login form contains an option that will allow you to reset your password at any time. For this, the email address used in the registration form will be required, to which we will send an automatic message with instructions to reset a new access password.

1.4 Change password

In the user section within MYBOOKS.WIX, you can change your password whenever you deem it appropriate.

2. Synchronization of the content of your Blogs in MYBOOKS.WIX.

2.1 Synchronization with the Google Blogger platform

To synchronize your blog hosted on Blogger, MYBOOKS.WIX communicates via API offered by Google, to have access to the list of blogs and publications, always in reading mode, but if you acquire editor permission, the administrator can also edit on the Site MYBOOK.WIX. Upload, modify, delete content according to the designation approved by its owner, taking into account the degree of trust that it generates according to its progress and development in it. Once the user clicks on the synchronization button from Blogger, he must log in to Google and authorize the application, then a drop-down is displayed with the Blogs associated with the indicated Google account. Only what the user decides or wishes to publish of their property is synchronized. The owner may also withdraw that right without prior notice if it deems it inconvenient on the MYBOOKS.WIX Site.

2.2 Synchronization with the platform

MYBOOKS.WIX is capable of synchronizing blog posts that use the installable version of Wordpress ( This platform does not offer developers an intermediate layer of access to information, so the first time the user synchronizes a WordPress.or blog, he must type the URL address of his blog in a box enabled for it. Only what is strictly necessary is synchronized from the indicated Blog Feed; for each publication you get its title, the url, tags and the url of the first image contained.

2.3 Synchronization with the platform

To synchronize your blog hosted on, MYBOOKS.Wix communicates via API, to have access to the list of blogs and posts, always in reading mode. Once the user clicks on the synchronization button from WordPress.con, they must log in to WordPress and authorize the application, then a drop-down is displayed with the blogs associated with the indicated WordPress account. Only what is strictly necessary is synchronized; for each publication you get its title, the url, tags and the url of the first image contained.

3. Dissemination of messages through social networks

To enable the MYBOOKS.WIX broadcast plan, the user must link each broadcaster with his profile on the main social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+. This binding follows the oAuth2 protocol recommended by each service. The user must log in to the corresponding social network and authorize MYBOOKS.WIX to publish on their behalf.

4. Generation of messages. MYBOOKS.WIX allows you to broadcast messages, following the settings that the user has marked on the broadcaster. This is an automatic process as long as the blog meets the requirements within MYBOOKS.WIX The user also has a button to generate messages manually.

5. Automatic spread of MYBOOKS.WIX.

MYBOOKS.WIX automatically executes the broadcast job, so that all those blogs that meet the requirements within MYBOOKS.WIX and have pending messages will be automatically broadcast. The user can also broadcast messages manually.

6. Hosting and Security

MYBOOKS.WIX is deployed using the infrastructure provided by Microsoft through its Windows Azure platform, ensuring high availability and high security measures, both physical and logical.  For more information see Microsoft information.

The information is encrypted using a security certificate (https://) installed under the domain of the website.

8. Versions available

MYBOOKS.WIX is currently offered to the user as a free Service but it can be updated in the future to a paid version, which will be informed in due time and prudently to its associates if this monetary policy were to be established, different versions will be established , both features and prices are detailed on the public website. The subscription will be made through a secure connection using PayPal services.

9. Additional conditions. Before using the New Works Precursor I have read and correctly interpreted its guidelines, agreeing to comply with its additional requirements.

Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author. The designs, logos, text and/or graphics that are not the provider's and that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. In any case, the provider has express and prior authorization from them. To make any type of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the contact form that is maintained on the website or through the email provided in these legal conditions.

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